Wedgwood as a brand dates back to 1759, when Josiah Wedgwood first started producing his own pottery in Staffordshire. The present Wedgwood factory at Barlaston has been producing its famous ceramics since 1940.
In October 2012 RGS was commissioned to undertake a comprehensive tree survey at the Wedgwood factory and visitor centre at Stoke-on-Trent. Our remit was to include an assessment of the trees in relation to a proposed large scale redevelopment of the site, comprising a new factory and visitor centre, and three sites of prime residential development. In all the survey
Wedgewood factory
area covered approximately 73 hectares which included a designated Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland. We were also instructed to undertake an Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA), which, along with our baseline assessment would form part of a wider Environmental Statement for the development proposal.
Our baseline survey and assessment extended to almost 600 individuals or groups of trees, as well as an overview of the ancient woodland. RGS worked closely with other consultants, in particular the project ecologist and landscape architect, with whom a strategy was jointly formed that would balance the arboricultural, ecological and wider landscape issues with the proposed development plan.
Barlaston Hall
One of the lakes at Wedgwood
View of the Wedgwood factory car park
After an exhaustive public consultation period, during which the Environmental Statement was presented to the public and the local planning authority, we were subsequently commissioned by the client to produce a site specific Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS). Completed in May 2013, the method statement included a comprehensive specification for tree protection measures; both temporary and permanent, sequencing of works and a schedule of supervisory visits. In addition we produced a detailed tree protection plan for the entire site; this was to be used in association with the arboricultural method statement by the appointed main contractor during both the demolition and construction phases.
A Panoramic front view of the Wedgwood factory
A Panoramic view of the rear of the Wedgwood factory